How to install WordPress on your hosting
WordPress is a widely-used, open-source content management system (CMS) known for its user-friendliness and flexibility. It enables individuals and businesses to create and manage websites, blogs, and online content with ease.
WordPress can be installed using two primary methods. First, you can opt for the quick and straightforward installation process provided by Softaculous, a popular auto-installer script offered by many web hosting providers. Alternatively, for those who desire greater control and a deeper understanding of the installation process, WordPress can be installed manually. This involves downloading the WordPress files, creating a database, and configuring settings according to your specific needs.
Whether you choose the convenience of Softaculous or the hands-on approach of manual installation, WordPress offers a versatile platform for creating and managing a wide variety of websites and online content.
Installation using Softaculous
Log in to your Hosting Control Panel: You should have received login details for your hosting control panel when you signed up for your hosting account. This control panel is typically cPanel, Plesk, or something similar. Log in to your hosting account.
Locate Softaculous: Inside your hosting control panel, look for an option like "Softaculous" or "Softaculous Apps Installer." The location of this option may vary depending on your hosting provider, but it's commonly found under the "Software" or "Website" section.
Find WordPress: In Softaculous, you'll see a list of popular web applications. Look for the WordPress icon or search for "WordPress" using the search bar.
Start the Installation: Click on the WordPress icon or name, and you'll be taken to the WordPress installation page within Softaculous.
Configure the Installation: You will be presented with a form to configure your WordPress installation. Here's what you need to fill in:
- Choose Protocol: Select either "http://" or "https://" depending on whether you have an SSL certificate installed on your website.
- Choose Domain: Choose the domain where you want to install WordPress. If you have multiple domains, select the one you want to use.
- In Directory: Leave this field empty if you want to install WordPress in the root directory (e.g., "public_html"). If you want to install it in a subdirectory, enter the directory name (e.g., "/blog").
- Site Name: Enter the name of your website.
- Site Description: Add a short description of your website.
- Admin Username: Choose a username for the WordPress administrator.
- Admin Password: Choose a secure password for the administrator.
- Admin Email: Enter the email address associated with the administrator account.
- Select Language: Choose the language for your WordPress site.
- Choose a Theme: You can choose a default theme for your site if you want.
Advanced Options (Optional): You can expand the "Advanced Options" section if you want to change the database name, table prefix, and other settings. However, it's usually not necessary to modify these options.
Install WordPress: Once you've filled in all the required details, click the "Install" or "Submit" button. Softaculous will now start the installation process.
Completion and Access Details: After a short time, you'll receive a confirmation message that WordPress has been successfully installed. It will also provide you with the login URL, your website URL, and your admin area URL.
Log In to WordPress: Visit the admin login URL, which is usually something like
. Log in using the username and password you set during the installation.
That's it! You've successfully installed WordPress using Softaculous, and you can now start building your website.
Manual installation
Manually installing WordPress involves a few more steps than using an auto-installer like Softaculous, but it provides more control and allows you to understand the process better. Here's how to manually install WordPress:
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
Web Hosting: You need a web hosting account with a domain name. You should have access to your hosting control panel, such as cPanel.
FTP Client: An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client to upload WordPress files to your server. You can use software like FileZilla or a built-in file manager in your hosting control panel.
Text Editor: A text editor for making necessary configurations. You can use Notepad (for Windows) or TextEdit (for Mac).
Database: Create a MySQL database and a user with all privileges. You can usually do this in your hosting control panel (cPanel).
Now, let's proceed with the manual installation:
Download WordPress: Go to the official WordPress website ( and download the latest version of WordPress. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a folder on your computer.
Create a Database: Log in to your hosting control panel and navigate to the MySQL Databases section. Create a new database and a user with full privileges. Remember the database name, username, and password; you'll need them during the installation.
Rename the Configuration File: In the WordPress folder you extracted, find a file named
. Rename it towp-config.php
. -
Edit the wp-config.php File: Open
in a text editor and make the following changes:- Find the database name, username, and password settings and replace them with the values you created in step 2.
- Set your authentication unique keys and salts. You can generate them by visiting the WordPress Secret Key Generator.
Upload WordPress Files: Use your FTP client to connect to your web server. Navigate to the root directory of your website (often named "public_html" or "www"). Upload the entire WordPress folder (the one you extracted in step 1) to this directory.
Install WordPress: Visit your website's URL in a web browser (e.g.,
). You will see the WordPress installation screen. Follow the on-screen instructions to set your site title, create an admin account, and set up your website. -
Log In and Customize: After the installation is complete, you can log in to your WordPress admin dashboard using the admin account you created. You can start customizing your site, installing themes, and adding content.
Manual installation method gives you full control over your installation and is particularly useful if your hosting environment doesn't offer an auto-installer like Softaculous.